Wednesday, 12 September 2012

Xtreme Fat Loss Diet - Rules For Burning Fat

Xtreme Fat Loss Diet - How you do it

How to train with weights affects the fat-burning. Consider these 8 rules before you hit the gym.

Get rid of the excess fat Carnitine: This amino acid is essential in the distribution of fat cells to the mitochondria where they exploit. According to the research carnitine consumption during a diet can promote fat burning. Take 1-2 g of carnitine in the form of L-carnitine , L-carnitine L-tartrate propionila glycine or L-carnitine.

Proceed to heavier weights: Increased oxygen consumption after exercise refers to rapid metabolism. Swedish researchers from the Norwegian University of Sport and Physical Education, Oslo analysis study concluded that training with heavier weights and fewer repetitions affect the rapid metabolism that will last longer than the longer trains with lighter weights. While most athletes think that they should exercise more to burn more fat, you should from time to time to switch to heavier weights for 3-7 reps and thus facilitate burning calories when you're not in the gym.

Switch to lighter weights: While lifting heavier weights affects metabolism after exercise, performing more reps burns more calories during the exercise, as they said researchers from the College of New Jersey 2007th year at the annual meeting of the National Strength and Conditioning Association. Ensure that you place in training lifting light weights in conjunction with a series of higher reps (10-20) and lifting heavier weights in combination with shorter series of repetitions (3-7). The best way is to perform a combination of 4 sets for most exercises, performing the first two sets with heavier weights, the other two sets with lighter weights.

Shorter pause: Researchers from the College of New Jersey came to the conclusion that respondents who were resting 30 seconds between sets on the bench presses (bench) burned 50% more calories than subjects who were resting 3 min. Do you want to maximize your fat loss a break of up to 1 min between sets during a workout.

Force the following: According to the study, which was focused on how to train a football player, athletes who implemented the program with high intensity weight training with one set of 6-10 repetitions practicing by the end of endurance (training to failure) and forced repetitions with several static contraction seconds lost more fat during 10 weeks of their teammates who implemented a program of weight reduction in the intensity of the three sets of 6-10 repetitions practicing by the end of endurance (training to failure). Scientists consider it responsible for the elevated levels of growth hormone (GH) in the higher intensity. A study conducted in Finland showed that forced repetitions increase the level of growth hormone three times more than the end of endurance training. Exercise and after you feel that you can no longer, benefiting the forcing replicates, static contraction, relaxation and drop sets.

Be Free: The use of free weights, especially in movements that involve multiple joints (such as the squat) burns more calories than performing the same movements on the machine. Scientists believe that the reason that it is the use of free weights exerts more stabilization muscles.

Feel the need for speed: fast, explosive reps burns more calories than typical slow, controlled repetitions are used to perform in the gym, say researchers at Ball State University. Believe that this is caused by the muscle fibers are less energy efficient than muscle fibers, which are used more "fuel" during the exercise. To perform fast repetitions select an equal weight of 30% of your one repetition maximum in (or weights that you can lift 15-35 times) in every exercise. Perform the first two sets with 3-8 reps, then perform sets of 2-3 repetitions normal pace.

And negative is good: According to a recent study participants who performed 3 sets of negative repetitions practicing on the bench for bench and squats increased growth hormone levels by almost 4000%. Since growth hormone release fat from fat cells, perform negative reps helps you in removing fatty deposits. To add a negative repetition regime of exercise or train with a partner 3-5 negative reps after they reach the maximum endurance rod with about 120% of the maximum which can be raised in one replication partner is negative, perform 5 repetitions lasting 3-5 seconds.

Xtreme Fat Loss Diet - Soundtrack for training: Listening to your favorite Serena enhances the intensity of training and facilitates efforts to lift the room. A study conducted by the Weider Research Group and the results of which were presented at the annual meeting of the National Strength and Conditioning Association 2008th years has shown that respondents who have heard of their choice Serena performed more reps than when they trained favorite music without accompaniment.

Pearly Penile Papules Removal - Woman Mind Numbing Orgasm

Many people are looking for the wrong information given to making their penis bigger. Most men want more cock, when in reality they should be looking for information on how to make their penis thicker. Recent data shows that 9 out of every 10 women prefer a thicker penis once more sex.

So why should this be the case? Why almost every woman wants thick cock in relation to a longer, and how can I make mine thicker fast? pearly penile papules removal home remedy
Reason that women prefer a thicker penis over one are pretty simple. More than 90% of women of nerve endings in her vagina are in the first two to three inches of the vaginal opening. You obviously do not need an overly large penis massage walls of the first few inches of the vagina.

 However, the reason most women think a very large penis gives them the most mind bending orgasms because guys with the longest penis are more likely to have a thicker penis as well because they are just more people in general. But you need not be a great man to be thick cock. All you need to do some hand exercises penis to be thicker, and you will give your lover the best orgasm he ever had.

Very simply, all you do penis exercises to help you increase the thickness of your penis shaft promoting tissue growth with gentle pressure. And this exercise will work to make you permanently thicker and not just Forza minutes as pumps and pills.

These exercises will help you get a penis that is up to 2 cm thick

These exercises will penis 2 inches thick if on a weekly basis. Once you get your winnings, you can stop doing exercise, and the results will last for the rest of his life.

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When facing a lack of funding to purchase fundraising products up-front, it's better for you to go for PO / takers. Order fundraiser going zero cost. What you need to do is just to collect the money in advance and then put red with their fundraising companies. This saves both money and time and safely to ensure more money in the easiest way. Duke Peterson Vision Without Glasses The most important products of the Church fundraising ideas relating to faith and inspirational, security and holiday shoppers. Product selection and the cause of raising funds are more attractive than the product in fundraising.

Cookie Dough Fundraiser

Cookie dough fundraising as part of fundraising is enjoyable on many groups working for the cause now a days. It's really hard to defy the delicious, delicious, gooey cookies and comradely that shed mouthwatering flavors when collected and baked. Chocolate flavor is the most demanding of them. Only selling theses delicacies in the church, people are sure to support your cause and you will earn a nice raise funds. Cookie Dough Fundraising provides between 30 to 55% profit fundraising. When the order form / taker fundraiser, the profit margin is almost cent percent.

Candle Fundraiser
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fat loss factor - Supplementation

Why is supplementation necessary if we want to speed up your metabolism?

Niskougljikohidratna high protein diet that is ideal for speeding up metabolism is deficient in terms of some micronutrients and should be compensated. For example, omitting the fruit from the diet due to the above (legitimate) reasons, we lost some vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that the fruit contains. So we need to make an extra, in the form of supplements.

In addition, in such a diet regime, we need to bring extra essential fatty acids (omega-3). Also, the low-carb diet requires supplementation of fiber to avoid constipation.

The following group of supplements that they take supplements to make us its effects help raise metabolism to a higher level. These are like caffeine, then green tea. There are many on the market fat burner that different mechanisms of metabolism. However, in choosing to be consulted because a good portion of such preparations simply does not work in the best case, the placebo.

In addition to these three major factors above, it is necessary to mention the ubiquitous stress. Long ago, the caveman stress was useful. Why? Caveman was under stress when it came to food shortages. Stress has launched a survival mechanism that has slowed his metabolism to conserve precious energy reserves in the form of fat.

Today, fortunately (at least in the developed world) has no problems with food shortages, however, stress the evolutionary mechanism is not changed. So, when we are under stress for any reason, our metabolism slows down. So it is useful to anyone finds itself something that relaxes and relaxes, some exhaust valve. And in this way we will contribute to a high level of metabolism.

Tuesday, 11 September 2012

tinnitus miracle - Ringing in the ears

Tinnitus is the perception of sound in the ear or head that occurs without any apparent external acoustic stimulus, or a phantom auditory stimuli. Usually manifests itself as a buzzing, humming, ringing or popping in his ear. It may be constant, intermittent, pulsating, tweeter or subwoofer. In almost every fifth person, or about 20% of the general population,

 with occasional appearances by noise of a different type and duration. In about 5 percent of the population appears constant noise, usually stronger intensity, which bothers the individual and subjective ga interfere in daily life. With the older population reporting noise is still common. And a healthy ear can sometimes hear the noise, for example, in complete silence in a sound-proof room. Individually the extent to which a particular person bothered noise. In some people,

the stronger noise does not induce greater subjective symptoms, while for others, and low-intensity noise can cause greater subjective symptoms. Najučestalijie problems related to noise include the inability to concentrate, sleep disturbances or hyperacusis (increased sensitivity to sound normal). People who have the noise associated with the above symptom of ear disease, ga considered pathological character and comes to negative conditioning and noise even more sense, comes to closing the vicious circle of "cause-effect" in which the patient does not know and can not get out. Most people that are accompanied by noise and have some degree of hearing loss, which certainly affects the ability of normal communication and quality of life.

tinnitus miracle causes can be objective or subjective. Objektini noise is generated by an external cause, and can sometimes be heard by other people, and can be caused by vascular anomalies (eg, arteriovenous malformations), disorders of Eustachian tube dysfunction and middle ear muscles. Subjective noise is more common than objective. Usually a case of otogenic forest abnormalities inside this ear. Pathogenesis of tinnitus is not fully elucidated.

Tinnitus is most commonly uzokovan hearing impairment or hearing impaired sensory cells in the inner ear or auditory nerve damage. Tinnitus can be caused by noise (long-term noise exposure or short exposure to high intensity noise), ototoxic drugs, decreased blood flow in the inner ear, a sudden change in pressure (barotrauma), tumors of the auditory nerve or Presbyacusis (elderly hearing loss). Damage to the auditory sensory cells changes electrical signals through the auditory nerve to the brain, and the brain perceives this change as noise and the "phantom" sound. In addition to changes in the inner ear,

 the noise can also be caused by changes in the external or middle ear: pressing cerumen (earwax) in the eardrum , an injury (perforated eardrum or damage to the auditory ossicles), the development of otosclerosis (ossification of the middle ear), changes in the temporomandibular ( jaw) joint, cardiovascular causes (atherosclerosis, anemia, high blood pressure). In patients with tinnitus there are changes in brain activity in the limbic system (hippocampus), the part of the brain that controls emotions and may lead to changes in the autonomic nervous system that regulates the body's vital life functions. Limbic and autonomic nervous system play a major role in the development of forest embarrassment, negative associations and emotions related to noise.

Tinnitus is not a disease but a symptom, so that there is no single therapy in its treatment. There are many different medications that are used to treat forests. Most often these are drugs that improve blood circulation in the brain or in the inner ear. Also, behavioral treatment can help patients with tinnitus. M METHODS and retreninga ( tinnitus retraining therapy ) is based on the neurophysiological model .

 P acijenta are introduced to the mechanism of development of forest which allows him to accept the noise on a subconscious level as something natural, not as something a danger or suggesting ill condition causing negative emotions. C ilj these methods did not reduce the intensity of noise, but the reduction of the patient's reactions to noise and habituation, and habituation to noise. Treatment of the forest can be conducted using rustled and broadband noise generator, which helps masking noise. Secondary psychiatric disorders, such as anxiety, depression or insomnia, we should also heal. Patients with tinnitus should avoid total silence, they would have to provide an easy and pleasant background sounds ( natural sounds or music ) . It should be avoided to prevent further noise hearing damage and deterioration of forests.

Music Therapy is the treatment of the music. In medicine, there are several diseases or conditions that can be treated with the music, and one of them is tinnitus or ringing in the ears. Tinnitus is usually the same intensity throughout the day, and in the silence of the stronger focus on patient care, and stronger ga hear. Music helps the patient to stop noticing tinnitus that bothers ga. Music can listen actively and passively. Passive listening is listening to music that is in the background while doing other activities and do not pay pozorost it. In active listening full attention is given to the music.

 Professions apply relaxed MC Music in treatment, such as doctors, dentists, psychologists. Music also helps with falling asleep and some neurološkh functions, such as learning and concentration. The goal of music therapy is that music is a soundscape that is something you do not even notice the rhythm of the body to harmonize with external rhythms. Music can listen to what people want, but in music therapy in the treatment of wood is recommended that at least three times a day over a period of several months. Not every kind of music suitable for music therapy, is the best one you recommend a doctor music therapist due to interference by the patient or the person has. It is interesting that exposure to high volume may cause hearing loss and tinnitus, and proper selection of music with adequate intensity and application of a therapeutic effect.

LASER is electromagnetic radiation in the visible part of the spectrum (light). In medicine, lasers are used in the treatment of various diseases , and in diseases of the ear is used for ringing in the ears (tinnitus), Meniereovu disease and sudden hearing loss. Application of lasers in the ear, changes occur at the molecular level, ie biostimulation. These changes are occurring at the mitochondrial membrane, which allows better metabolic changes in the sensory cells of the inner ear, stimulating the immune system and regenerate damaged cells. Laser is used for the ear 5 mW output power and wavelength longer than 650nm. Laser Treatment for ear is completely painless and safe.

When hearing impairment and noise in the ear, they need to contact a specialist otolaryngologist (an otologist / audiologist) who will recommend the necessary clinical and audiologic treatment and begin the necessary treatment.

truth about cellulite - Natural Cellulite recipes

Mary Novosel, Australian-born with permanent residence in Croatia, a journalist and writer with a love of the natural permanent cosmetics, she managed to say, to combine all her interests. After studying journalism, Mary holds a degree in aroma and has further perfected through numerous seminars on healthy cuisine, body care, and strengthen the spirit.
"Cellulite is almost no '

- The effect that you want to achieve - a healthy and well-groomed appearance - not absent, and the body is non-polluting and unnecessary burdens such as when you use cosmetics industry. Indeed, natural cosmetics positive effect on our bodies because it is full of nutrients and healthy substances that raise immunity, mood and promote health - Mary explained that according to its own best advertisement because cellulite is almost gone.
Here are several recipes for her preparations.
Aromatic mixture of massage with essential oils
Shelf life: 3 months
Combination 1:
50 ml base oil
30 drops of essential oil of Himalayan cedarwood
10 drops of cypress essential oil
10 drops of rosemary essential oil
5 drops of essential oil of sage
Combination 2:
50 ml of base oil (amber, macadamia, hazelnut oil)
15 drops of essential oil of rosemary cineol
10 drops of essential oil of sage
10 drops of essential oil Lemongrass
5 drops of lemon essential oil
Mix oil, soak the desired area and rub for about 15 minutes every day.
The wrap with seaweed and salt
50 grams of wakame seaweed or algae, bladder wrack
100 grams of wheat bran,
80 grams of coarse sea salt
water as needed
Ukuhaj algae, bran and salt in a little water (start with 200 ml) until you get a thick porridge. Suffice it to cook for about a minute. Move the mixture from the heat, cool, and apply to the desired location. Wrap a cloth, lying and holding a compress for about 10 minutes. Rinse with lukewarm water compresses.

diet solution program - weight loss

High-protein diets have become a popular way to lose weight because studies indicate that protein satisfies hunger better than fat or carbohydrates. These are child specific, as the majority of calorie intake from foods rich in protein such as red meat, fish, eggs, poultry and cheeses, while foods rich in carbohydrates and fats consumed in avoiding or lesser extent.

Participants of the study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition report the same level of satisfaction, reduced feeling of hunger and weight loss when fat was reduced to 20% of the total calories in their diet, and protein content increased to 30%, while the proportion of carbohydrates was 50%. Study participants consumed about 440 fewer calories a day by following this high protein diet.

Another study, published in the Journal of Nutrition , showed that a high protein diet combined with exercise accelerates the loss of body mass and improves the lipid profile. It can be concluded that the high-protein diet helps people effectively control appetite and calorie intake.

Diets that contain more protein, a mild amount of carbohydrates, along with a lifestyle that includes regular exercise, experts responsible for reducing levels of blood fats and maintain slimness. It is not entirely clear why the protein decreases appetite. It is assumed that the reason for the impact of certain proteins on hunger hormones and chemical reactions in the brain, but it's not safe.

Additional studies are needed before experts can give people the sole recommendation to increase the level of protein in the diet, according to the American Dietetic Association.

How much do you need?
protein we need in all stages of life for various bodily functions. The principal component of all cells, including muscle and bone, is required for growth, development and the immune system to combat infection and protect the body.

The daily recommendation for protein intake allows a huge range - between 10% and 35% of total calories for a normal, healthy adult. For example, for a child that involves entering the 1800 calories you could consume without worry of 45 grams (or 10% of calories) and 218 grams (35%) of protein a day.

Most people consume 10% of daily calories from protein would not pose a problem, but 35% would have been a challenge.

Taking into account the above, the question arises whether it is possible to eat too much protein? For healthy people there are dangers that are associated with high levels of protein. Caution is recommended for people who have some sort of kidney disease. Consuming too much protein load on the kidneys, which can worsen the condition of people who already have kidney problems.

To enable a positive effect of weight loss, experts suggest that approximately 120 grams of protein a day. Do you want to increase your protein intake, do it slowly, within a week.

anabolic cooking - protein

Lonnie Lowery, PhD, is currently unable to speak. Mentally preparing for the gym, and I had just interrupted his ritual - a ritual that sometimes involves listening to the soundtrack from the movie Conan the Barbarian - which is coincidentally my tunes on your phone.Dr. Lowery knew the train at the university along with its athletes, but as he says, it just is not it.

 He trains or in your basement or in raw bodybuilding gym near his village.Yes, you read correctly, not in the fitness center, not in the health club. In bodybuilding gym. "There is a fair splinters." Says Dr. Lowery. "In one training do squat, bench and all withdrawals just to prove that you still can. This kind of training do twice a week, and then everything else, like you do the training arm between these two brutal. I just have biceps and triceps dotući directly.

"Lowery is not our typical professor / researcher / scientist. So you understand, right?"You know, I almost became a licensed trainer of power," then added, "and I am still very interested in it. I even joined a professional group, but you guys are far more experienced in the field of explosion and agility. The only thing that interested me at the hypertrophy ... I do not intend to apologize for it. "

To be worked up before training, Lowery listens clip from Conan the Barbarian. It is because of this Dr. Lowery one of our favorite PhDs and associates when it comes to topics that include macronutrients. Thus, Lowery has studied and read many studies. So in the end, the man is devoted to the research, and I have participated in them.

He is not unknown even standing on stage in front of hundreds of people from different academic fields. And not only has a high level of education, but the cuss muscled carcass, both at home underneath the bar, and at work in the lab.Today we need to talk about his current research on the protein, a little-known facts about them and some very respectable theoretical ideas. But we can not. Not yet. Lowery must first do a squat ... and bench ... and withdrawal. And why can not respect a man like that.

3 days to permanent bacterial vaginosis relief - Re: Bacterial Vaginosis

increase psychosocial stress is associated with a higher prevalence - the prevalence and incidence of bacterial vaginosis independent of other known risk factors, the results of a study published in the American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology. " Bacterial vaginosis is a common condition whose occurrence is sometimes very difficult to explain, as well as the degree of health threat or a form of prevention, "the researchers from the U.S. National Institute for Child Health Research and Human Development in Bethesda, Maryland. Evidence, the authors of the current study, to encourage the transfer of bacterial vaginosis and infection with HIV, increases the risk of the occurrence of infection and increases the risk of preterm birth in pregnant women. However, eradication is sometimes difficult, 

 the infection is often repeated. To better understand the disease, U.S. researchers followed 3614 women living dobe between 15 and 44 years who were not pregnant, not taking antibiotics for a long time and did not fall to a group of immune-compromised individuals. All subjects were regularly inspected every 3 months during the year. Scientists found that the prevalence of bacterial vaginosis was associated with age, race, income, frequency of showering, the frequency of sexual intercourse, number of sexual partners, and current use of hormonal contraceptives. Scientists have examined psychosocial stress in subjects at each examination using subjective indices of stress "perceived Stress Scale" (range 1:00 to 5.00). Overall, the average sum of the stress index was 2.68 out of a possible 5 points. 

The average sum of the index of stress for women with bacterial vaginosis was 2.71, whereas in women without this infection was 2.63. The difference was statistically significant. stress was associated with the incidence of bacterial vaginosis, every increase in the sum of the stress index by 1 point was associated with a 1.15-fold increased risk prevalence of bacterial vaginosis (after exclusion of other risk factors increase this risk was 1:10 times). In observation of patients who are at first examination were negative for bacterial vaginosis and then at the next two views had bacterial vaginosis, every increase in the sum of the stress index was led by rising prevalence of bacterial vaginosis by a factor of 1.28. 's possible that stress has an effect on immune modulation suits, which would lead increasing the risk of bacterial vaginosis, the authors said. "The assumption is that chronic stress and some forms of local immune defects associated fits," 

but it is necessary further documentation observed. Gardnerella vaginalis (formerly Haemophyllus vaginalis) is in normal conditions in the vagina, and colon, and in her excessive multiplication ( Stress, change of sexual partner, loss of natural flora of the vagina) occurs disease - bacterial vaginosis or amine Kolpitis. Here it is before the unpleasant and painful disorders of normal vaginal flora, but a typical inflammatory reaction. Gardnerella vaginalis, as the leading cause of bacterial vaginosis, most likely the production of succinate allows the growth and reproduction of others, usually 4-6 anaerobic bacterial species (Bacteroides spp Peptococcus spp, Peptostreptococcus spp, Fusobacterium nucleatum, Mobiluncus spp Veillonela parvula). characteristic odor discharge when it comes from the amine cadaverine and putrescine produced by the anaerobic bacteria. Populations of lactobacilli or completely suppressed these natural inhabitants of the vagina are just singles. This is the most common form of vaginal infection, especially younger women are affected.

acne no more - Adult Acne Causes

Yes, it's disheartening, go ahead and scream. Just when you thought you had left those pesky acne problems behind with the teenage years, here rears its ugly head to haunt you in their adult years - but why?
Did you know that, according to the American Academy of Dermatology, adult acne occurs in about 80 percent of people in their 20s and 30s? It includes about 17 millionpeople of all ages who suffer with this skin disorder. And, it is a fact that women suffer from acne than men. However, adult acne is still a widespread serious problem for men as well.

Acne is the official name for a skin disorder that many refer to as pimples that pop up on our skin, and sometimes under the skin. So what, exactly, are the pimples and what causes them? Well, basically, pimples are skin growths that are comprised of dead skin cells, oils and bacteria that clog pores and cause hair ducts become inflamed. These pimples can be in the form of blackheads (bumps that are open to the air, but embedded in the skin and can be black or yellow color), or whiteheads (white lumps were closed). Whiteheads can be very painful, and if they burst, it can cause infection leading to nodular or cystic acne problems, and scarring.

Other factors that may be a factor adult acne causes that are problematic for women, stress and hormonal changes (which can make the skin oil glands overact), some chemicals (which can clog pores), and dirty cosmetic sponges that can harbor bacteria that can cause acne when used on the face. For men, adult acne causes can be a little harder than in women, because testosterone levels, people can get acne from hormonal changes as well.

Common Treatment Options

Treatment options are varied and correct choice for treating your acne depends on the type of acne you have and how severe it is. Sometimes acne problems can be treated with topical medications or prescription drugs (including antibiotics for more severe cases), but be sure to ask your doctor to keep you informed of any risks and possible side effects. Natural or home remedies, such as the use of tea tree oil has worked for some people. Laser treatments such as chemical peels, microdermabrasion or resurfacing is also used to treat acne. But, again, make sure you're aware of the risks and side effects, and be sure to use only board certified expert in laser procedures.

Alternative Treatment Options

If you're tired of taking medication or undergoing laser treatments to try and eliminate your acne, you May consider herbal remedies that have helped countless people to get rid of acne.

Adult acne is probably the most common skin disorder imaginable. However, all hope is not lost to be acne free, if you follow the right diet and skin care regimen.

yeast infection no more - Sugar stimulates vaginal infection

We bring you the second part of an article about the most common problems women summer

How do you safely relax on the beach and summer leisure not to upset vaginosis and candidiasis , causing a disturbance of the natural balance of bacteria in the vagina and infection, read what causes their formation and how proper selectionof foods can be avoided

Bacterial vaginosis occurs when the number called. "Bad" bacteria in the vaginalmicroflora overrun so. "Good" bacteria. Lactobacillus as "good" bacteria is responsible for the orderly vaginal pH ga maintaining acidic (below 4.5), and thus provides a defense against "bad" bacteria.

The most vulnerable are sexually active women

With lactobacilli in the vagina are other microorganisms and together make up the so-called. vaginal microflora. When for any reason defenses weaken , others present bacteria (Bacteroides sp, Gardnerella vaginalis, G. Mobiluncus, Mycoplasma hominis) are starting extensively duplicated , causing disturbance of the natural balance of bacteria in the vagina and yeast infection no more amazon.

Disturbances in the composition of the vaginal flora can occur at any age , but it is frequently in sexually active women, and we all know that summer is a period of relaxation and frequent sexual intercourse. More than 50 percent of women with bacterial vaginosis have no symptoms, but when appear include copious sticky white or grayish discharge , itching and irritation of the vagina and smell like fish or smell mold, which is most evident after sexual intercourse.

Eating a strong immunity

Varied and balanced diet is the best way to a strong immune system that can more easily resist the development of bacterial vaginosis. However, in order to minimize the likelihood of recurrence or vaginal bacterial imbalance experts recommend a diet that is rich in flax seeds and flaxseed oil, whole grains , fresh fruits and vegetables, fish and poultry. Also, it is very important to bring plenty offluids , especially water and avoid food that has been treated with pesticides and other chemicals.

Prevention and Therapy

Take the preparation of selected probiotic strains in combination with grapefruit seed extract and garlic extract
               Take the propolis and royal jelly

               Spend cleanse the body with fresh vegetable juices, water and herbal products to remove toxic products resulting from fungi

               After acute infection with Candida , it is necessary to permanently apply the dietary guidelines that will prevent the recurrence of the disease.

Garlic instead of antibiotics

Women who repeatedly subject to bacterial vaginosis recommended intake of garlic . Garlic, in fact, acts as a natural antibiotic against a wide range of bacteria, and in addition to being effective when it enters food , proved to be useful and when it is used in the form of vaginal suppositories. How would struggle against eating bacterial vaginosis to be complete, it is advisable to avoid foods that encourages the growth of "bad" bacteria.

There should be singled out primarily food that is rich in sugars because it is "bad" bacteria feed. Also, the diet should throw out caffeine , alcohol, foods that contain mold , processed foods, junk food and foods that are generally rich in saturated fats.


A typical female "diseases" is Candidiasis - fungal disease caused by fungi of the genus Candidae albicans. symptoms of thrush are itching , burning, painful sexual intercourse, the presence of a whitish-yellow (sirastog) discharge,redness and swelling.
Fungal "swell" can contribute to a variety of conditions such as frequent use of antibiotics , oral contraceptives, antihistamines and korstikosteroida , wearing tight underwear and neprozračnog, pregnancy, allergies and nutritional deficiencies.

Fungi love moisture and sugar

Also, the burgeoning fungus contributes to a moist medium, in other words, staying in a damp bathing suit .
primary strategy to combat candida is to avoid sweets and sugar. Not recommended intake of sugar, honey, jams, biscuits, cakes , candy, chocolate , dairy products (except fermented probiotic products).
It is not advisable or overuse of white flour and products made from white flour (bread, pasta, toast), fresh fruit (grapes, melons, pears), dried fruit, fruit juices and alcoholic beverages (especially beer and liquor ).

Food that helps

For many of the studies have defined certain foods and active ingredients that can help in the fight against fungal infections.

Probiotics have a favorable effect on the balance of the intestinal microflora by inhibiting the growth of " harmful "bacteria , improve digestion, strengthen the immune system and increase resistance to infection.

Bacteria Lactobacillus acidophilus is usually added to the yogurt and fermented milk products, or in capsules, but also in preparation for l ocal application like vaginaleta, oral and vaginal gels and rinse. Lactobacilli produce lactic acid , which in the case of fungal disease acts as a "natural antibiotic".

Cinnamon has two active components, eugenol and cinnamaldehyde, which are considered to be effective in the treatment of fungal diseases

Garlic in some studies, thanks to the active substance allicin, proved more effective than nystatin, a drug which is used for the treatment of fungal diseases.

Propolis has antifungal, anti-inflammatory and immune stimulant action

Tea tree oil is fungicidal effect applied topically. Assistance in the treatment of candidiasis can provide and barberry , rich alkaloid antibiotic activity, berberine, and is recommended to increase the intake of minerals zinc and selenium , which will strengthen the immune system.

customized fat loss - Fat Loss Product Reviews

There are thousands of products on the market to break the fat into the orbit require from your body, or are they? There are many products. Available online or over the counter at any point of sale, which are totally unsuitable for fat loss for some people, but if you know what you want, it is to sort almost impossible good things the bad stuff

Above all, a friendly warning - products containing ephedra or ephedrine is bad news. Forget the hype. This medicine is only responsible for a wide range of symptoms, including tremor, nervousness, nervousness, insomnia and feeling distance. I took some time to help, a little fat and paid dearly - I was finished a wreck. Needless to say, I learned my lesson, and three days later, I sold it to a friend that I stop not only tremble, but my legs were twitching like jelly and my muscles kept. Oh, and the lack of sleep? In three days I slept more than an hour, and I felt that I have a nervous breakdown or something. The guy that I bought seemed to be in order, but he also complained that he felt fragile.

The other thing you see is a product. A large amount of caffeine Such as ephedrine, it has similar side effects, including heart palpitations. If you know what you want to caffeine overload, try drinking cups of strong coffee, and you'll understand what I mean.

How does it work then? Green tea is a natural substance - it is not only rich in antioxidants that help slow the aging process, it also helps to stimulate the metabolic rate of the body that your body fat as fuel burns more efficiently. Some products to promote water instead of fat loss. Ingredients such as dandelion and nettle are diuretics and help get rid of water retention and bloating. You can not get rid of fat.

If you need help removing a large appetite, I can not recommend drinking fennel tea. It has a sweet taste and pleasant it. Not only to solve a wind or bloating of the abdomen, but it acts as a natural appetite suppressant Be careful with other herbs though - just because something says it is not, of course, means it's right for you. Check the label carefully - see cons and precautions.

A combination of a healthy diet, and developing some good supplements you can advise on the edge when it comes to fat loss, fat loss and push likely to increase rapidly. Let yourself be fooled by internet reviews fat loss - see independent tests and reviews of these products by Google, then add "review" at the end to get real feedback.

jump manual - Surfing, windsurfing and kite surfing - an overview.

Surfing, windsurfing and kite surfing - that's the "holy trinity" that no one will get bored or in a foreign country or in the native land, neither winter nor, especially in the summer. The three sports have a common element - a board that rides on the water. At first there was just a message board - surf. Then sail attached to it, and called "surfing", and when the board learned to ride the snake - was called a "kite."


Their most ancient and close to nature sport. No science, the theory at least, does not require gasoline into motion on the energy of waves and easy to use.
Learning to surf is easy, if you have the right conditions for this. First, we need a long (about three meters) board with a broad nose - "longbord." It is convenient to row, it pritaplivaetsya under the weight of the body is stable, forgiving many mistakes and it does not need big waves.

Secondly, we need the "right" of the wave - the long, go on one such wave can be from 20 to 200 meters. To start the wave can be from 20 to 200 meters. To start the waves can be low - about five feet, the main thing that they were going smoothly for a long time. Thirdly, it is desirable to present the instructor or someone who has an idea, what, when and in what order do.

Of course, you can handle on its own, just watching the surfers around and learning from their mistakes. But then the number of bruises and inadvertently drinking a liter of sea water would be several times more than the lesson with an instructor. The theory is simple surfing: you lie on your stomach on the board, evenly distributing body weight so that no nose, no food would not go under the water. Perhaps the most time-consuming in surfing - is the need to constantly pull your hands, keeping your back in a little sled condition. But thanks to such pressures from all surfers downright royal carriage! Seeing a suitable wave, must be immediately deployed to the bank board and start paddling very fast to have caught a wave moving board. At this time, the complexity - to catch a wave. Catch - it means to be at the right time in the right place at the right speed. There must be patience. But catch up a few times, everything becomes clear. This is how to ride a bicycle - learned, and then it gets easy. After the wave picks up a board, the body weight is shifted back a little to the board does not nose dived down and glides through the water. Board position becomes stable, so now to get up in the cellar.

The whole process of learning "teapot" - from the moment he first sees the board and to the point where he starts yelling enthusiastically, riding a wave - takes about two hours. In Russia, you can surf in the Far East, and the first to take lessons on the Azov Sea. The world's best places for surfers considered coast of Hawaii, Australia, California and France. In general, the need for surfing and the ocean surf. And most importantly - we must remember the ancient Hawaiian wisdom: "If you are going to surf, take a friend with you - it's twice as reduce the chance of being eaten by a shark."


Windsurfing invented two native of Southern California - sailor Dzhmi Drake and Hoyle Schweitzer surfer. They joined the two components of his favorite sports - sail and board - to work, albeit a bit strange hybrid, which gave rise to what Schweitzer accurately called "surfing." It happened in the 60 years of the twentieth century, and only a few decades windsurfing became popular around the world.

There is no need for windsurfing in the waves, without which you can not surf. But riding on the waves ("veyvrayding» - «wave riding») is the most exciting kind of windsurfing.

Learn to windsurf on a large board with a daggerboard (he gives the board additional stability and reduces drift), on flat water, with light winds. Wind should be flat, it is desirable that it does not change direction, then it will be possible for him "to grasp." In windsurfing will not just be hanging out in the water on a board, but also holding a fluttering sail. Although stress is not at the correct person holds the sail, but on the contrary: it is possible to hang all over the sail, which takes the wind. At this point, and it becomes clear how to control unruly board. The fastest way is the inspiration descends or very talented, or stubborn, or tolerant people. Learn windsurfing harder than surfing, but by learning how to properly use the wind and control board and sail, you can not spend as much energy as it is spent in rowing in surfing.

For beginners vendserferov would fit perfectly and local waterways - Strogino Pirogovo Istra, Seliger. The seas to study harder because of the waves, but the wind there is usually more even. All year round windsurfing in Egypt. There, in the city of Hurghada, there are two Russian surf-station with Russian instructors.

In windsurfing has little to rely on their own experience - there is a theory, rules of conduct on the water and safety. The world's best windsurfing spots are considered Polynesian and the Canary Islands, the coast of South Africa and Australia. In these places, there are waves and wind.

In winter you can walk on snow and ice on the structure, similar to the board for windsurfing: the sail is attached to the ski or board on special skates. Such "gravitsapa" adherents windsurfing make yourself - it allows them to most of the year not to let the wind out of their hands.


Kite (Kite), translated to English means "kite". Kites first appeared in China more than three thousand years ago. There are the materials from which they were made: bamboo frame and silk for the sails and ropes. Chinese kites spread westward to Europe, and now have come to America, Australia and some other countries. Kites were used in the scientific, military, recreational purposes, for transportation. For example, in November 1903, Samuel Franklin Cody crossed the English Channel on the ship that ran for a kite.

Now Kite - a sport accessible to people of all ages. With each passing day it becomes more and more popular. Master the secrets of kite flying and the board is much easier than, for example, learn to windsurf. Kite can be launched into the sky and put on the ground without assistants - would be the wind.

"Education is much faster kite windsurfing training, and the fact that many are switching to it with snowboarding, skateboarding, surfing, only contributes to the rise of the alternative sport to a new level ..." - says the star of the world kite Jason Furness.

Kitesurfing (as surfing and windsurfing) to learn better on a large board, which in this sport is called «directional». Steady wind, the smooth surface of the water, not very large kite (depending on the wind strength, but of no more than 9 sq. m.) And the lack of nearby trees, power lines and people - perfect conditions for kite surfing. Learn a must with an instructor, it is desirable to see the instructional video and practice with aerobatic kite. Independence in this sport is dangerous.

One or two lessons enough to develop the necessary foundation, and one day of hard training will be enough to digest all the information consciously go to the board for the kite. About a month later yesterday, "teapot" already sky beckons, and he quickly learned to jump manual free download and do all sorts of tricks and delight the audience with their grace.

With the kite you can train in the winter - skiing, snowboarding, or a special board. In addition, the kite can ride a three-wheel cart "buggy" in the fields, beaches, great venue - it allows you to use the kite all year round.
To engage in all three types listed surfing wetsuit almost needs, or at least gidromayka - to save the body from exposure (even in the warm water of the body loses a lot of energy). In addition, windsurfing and kitesurfing gidrotapochki not prevent, protect your feet from sharp coral, and a helmet to protect his head from the unexpected "attacks" boards, sails, beach and trees.

Just before you buy a board and jump into the pool serfboards life, think, allow you a test. And surfing, and windsurfing, and kitesurfing - so exciting sports that, once tried, gave it not be anyone. And then, unfortunately, inevitable dramatic consequences: the trained muscles will require the continuation of the banquet, on your slender body will be to admire the beautiful girls, the tan will cause envy in the best of friends ... Do you need this

Tuesday, 4 September 2012

fibroid miracle - Cramps During Period

For some women, the menstrual cycle is associated with pain, making it impossible for them to continue their daily work. Unbearable pain and cramps during the period they may be exhausted. Why do women have cramps during periods? It's a question many women have asked.

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Cramps during menstruation are due to the contraction of the uterus caused. For some women, these mild cramps and therefore manageable, but some women may suffer from the problem of painful cramps during menstruation. During the menstrual cycle, the uterus contracts and relaxes the blood can leave your uterus. The uterine lining published special chemicals called "prostaglandins", which have the ability to increase the intensity of contractions. High concentrations of prostaglandins can cause severe muscle spasms, with nausea and dizziness. If these intense contractions cut the blood supply to the uterus, oxygen is not capable of the corresponding muscles, causing severe pain to reach. This condition is associated with painful and difficult time is called dysmenorrhea.

Severe menstrual pain

Essentially, there are two main types of severe menstrual pain. These are classified into primary and secondary dysmenorrhoea. Given the primary dysmenorrhea, you could just colic in the lower abdomen. Maybe start cramping before period and the pain can last 2-4 days and may be accompanied by a sore lower back.

Secondary dysmenorrhea, on the other hand, is due to a disease like endometriosis. Endometriosis is a disease related to the abnormal location of uterine tissue, such as the fallopian tubes and the side walls of the ovaries. Pelvic inflammatory disease, uterine fibroids, intrauterine devices and could also lead to severe convulsions.

Leg cramps: During menstruation, due to losing so much blood that a woman can get low on essential vitamins and minerals. Suffer from dehydration and lack of iron and magnesium, perhaps a woman of leg cramps. Leg cramps caused by muscle contractions. The lack of certain essential minerals like calcium, magnesium and potassium, it is difficult to regulate the activity of nerves and muscles. Therefore, could the thigh, leg and contract the muscles of the foot causes intense pain.

Back cramps: stomach cramps that may occur during the period are caused by the release of prostaglandins. The same hormonal changes cause cramps and back. As the contractions of the uterus prostaglandins, to induce cause abdominal cramps, they influence the other parts, like the back too. Lower back muscles also get affected by these hormonal changes. Deficiencies dehydration, vitamins and minerals can also affect the muscles of the lower back and causes contractions.

Remedies for menstrual discomfort

If you suffer from cramps during the period you need to find the cause of these cramps. Women who suffer from secondary dysmenorrhea see a doctor. You must make every effort to relax. Massage can help your lower back. You should drink plenty of water to avoid dehydration. It takes care of leg cramps and spasms again to take some action. Avoid standing for long periods if you suffer from back pain during periods. Warm compresses can help.

You can also try aromatherapy or acupressure to get rid of cramps. It would be a good idea for a walk or just some light exercise if you feel strong enough. Try not to think too much pain. Listen to music and lights to keep busy might help. If you have pain due to menstrual cramps, you can also use anti-inflammatories. To prevent a vitamin deficiency, you can take a multivitamin during your menstrual cycle. Some herbal teas are known to have a calming effect for cramps, you can seek advice from a herbalist. Eat well and include foods pineapple, ginger and rich in calcium in your diet to relieve your symptoms.

If you frequently suffer from cramps during the period and it will be difficult to fight against the pain, you need to consult a gynecologist. Try to stay relaxed and use these funds to address the problem of cramping during menstruation.