We bring you the second part of an article about the most common
problems women summer
How do you safely relax on the beach and summer leisure not to
upset vaginosis and candidiasis , causing a disturbance of the natural balance
of bacteria in the vagina and infection, read what causes their formation and
how proper selectionof foods can be avoided
Bacterial vaginosis occurs when the number called. "Bad"
bacteria in the vaginalmicroflora overrun so. "Good" bacteria.
Lactobacillus as "good" bacteria is responsible for the orderly
vaginal pH ga maintaining acidic (below 4.5), and thus provides a defense
against "bad" bacteria.
The most vulnerable are sexually active women
With lactobacilli in the vagina are other microorganisms and
together make up the so-called. vaginal microflora. When for any reason
defenses weaken , others present bacteria (Bacteroides sp, Gardnerella
vaginalis, G. Mobiluncus, Mycoplasma hominis) are starting extensively
duplicated , causing disturbance of the natural balance of bacteria in the
vagina and yeast
infection no more amazon.
Disturbances in the composition of the vaginal flora can occur at
any age , but it is frequently in sexually active women, and we all know that
summer is a period of relaxation and frequent sexual intercourse. More than 50
percent of women with bacterial vaginosis have no symptoms, but when appear
include copious sticky white or grayish discharge , itching and irritation of
the vagina and smell like fish or smell mold, which is most evident after
sexual intercourse.
Eating a strong immunity
Varied and balanced diet is the best way to a strong immune system
that can more easily resist the development of bacterial vaginosis. However, in
order to minimize the likelihood of recurrence or vaginal bacterial imbalance
experts recommend a diet that is rich in flax seeds and flaxseed oil, whole
grains , fresh fruits and vegetables, fish and poultry. Also, it is very
important to bring plenty offluids , especially water and avoid food that has
been treated with pesticides and other chemicals.
Prevention and Therapy
Take the preparation of selected probiotic strains in combination
with grapefruit seed extract and garlic extract
• Take the
propolis and royal jelly
• Spend cleanse
the body with fresh vegetable juices, water and herbal products to remove toxic
products resulting from fungi
• After acute
infection with Candida , it is necessary to permanently apply the dietary
guidelines that will prevent the recurrence of the disease.
Garlic instead of antibiotics
Women who repeatedly subject to bacterial vaginosis recommended
intake of garlic . Garlic, in fact, acts as a natural antibiotic against a wide
range of bacteria, and in addition to being effective when it enters food ,
proved to be useful and when it is used in the form of vaginal suppositories.
How would struggle against eating bacterial vaginosis to be complete, it is
advisable to avoid foods that encourages the growth of "bad"
There should be singled out primarily food that is rich in sugars
because it is "bad" bacteria feed. Also, the diet should throw out
caffeine , alcohol, foods that contain mold , processed foods, junk food and
foods that are generally rich in saturated fats.
A typical female "diseases" is Candidiasis - fungal
disease caused by fungi of the genus Candidae albicans. symptoms of thrush are
itching , burning, painful sexual intercourse, the presence of a whitish-yellow
(sirastog) discharge,redness and swelling.
Fungal "swell" can contribute to a variety of conditions
such as frequent use of antibiotics , oral contraceptives, antihistamines and
korstikosteroida , wearing tight underwear and neprozračnog, pregnancy,
allergies and nutritional deficiencies.
Fungi love moisture and sugar
Also, the burgeoning fungus contributes to a moist medium, in
other words, staying in a damp bathing suit .
primary strategy to combat candida is to avoid sweets and sugar.
Not recommended intake of sugar, honey, jams, biscuits, cakes , candy,
chocolate , dairy products (except fermented probiotic products).
It is not advisable or overuse of white flour and products made
from white flour (bread, pasta, toast), fresh fruit (grapes, melons, pears),
dried fruit, fruit juices and alcoholic beverages (especially beer and liquor
Food that helps
For many of the studies have defined certain foods and active ingredients
that can help in the fight against fungal infections.
Probiotics have a favorable effect on the balance of the
intestinal microflora by inhibiting the growth of " harmful "bacteria
, improve digestion, strengthen the immune system and increase resistance to
Bacteria Lactobacillus acidophilus is usually added to the yogurt
and fermented milk products, or in capsules, but also in preparation for l ocal
application like vaginaleta, oral and vaginal gels and rinse. Lactobacilli
produce lactic acid , which in the case of fungal disease acts as a
"natural antibiotic".
Cinnamon has two active components, eugenol and cinnamaldehyde,
which are considered to be effective in the treatment of fungal diseases
Garlic in some studies, thanks to the active substance allicin,
proved more effective than nystatin, a drug which is used for the treatment of
fungal diseases.
Propolis has antifungal, anti-inflammatory and immune stimulant
Tea tree oil is fungicidal effect applied topically. Assistance in
the treatment of candidiasis can provide and barberry , rich alkaloid
antibiotic activity, berberine, and is recommended to increase the intake of
minerals zinc and selenium , which will strengthen the immune system.
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