Wednesday, 12 September 2012

fat loss factor - Supplementation

Why is supplementation necessary if we want to speed up your metabolism?

Niskougljikohidratna high protein diet that is ideal for speeding up metabolism is deficient in terms of some micronutrients and should be compensated. For example, omitting the fruit from the diet due to the above (legitimate) reasons, we lost some vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that the fruit contains. So we need to make an extra, in the form of supplements.

In addition, in such a diet regime, we need to bring extra essential fatty acids (omega-3). Also, the low-carb diet requires supplementation of fiber to avoid constipation.

The following group of supplements that they take supplements to make us its effects help raise metabolism to a higher level. These are like caffeine, then green tea. There are many on the market fat burner that different mechanisms of metabolism. However, in choosing to be consulted because a good portion of such preparations simply does not work in the best case, the placebo.

In addition to these three major factors above, it is necessary to mention the ubiquitous stress. Long ago, the caveman stress was useful. Why? Caveman was under stress when it came to food shortages. Stress has launched a survival mechanism that has slowed his metabolism to conserve precious energy reserves in the form of fat.

Today, fortunately (at least in the developed world) has no problems with food shortages, however, stress the evolutionary mechanism is not changed. So, when we are under stress for any reason, our metabolism slows down. So it is useful to anyone finds itself something that relaxes and relaxes, some exhaust valve. And in this way we will contribute to a high level of metabolism.

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