Tuesday, 11 September 2012

tinnitus miracle - Ringing in the ears

Tinnitus is the perception of sound in the ear or head that occurs without any apparent external acoustic stimulus, or a phantom auditory stimuli. Usually manifests itself as a buzzing, humming, ringing or popping in his ear. It may be constant, intermittent, pulsating, tweeter or subwoofer. In almost every fifth person, or about 20% of the general population,

 with occasional appearances by noise of a different type and duration. In about 5 percent of the population appears constant noise, usually stronger intensity, which bothers the individual and subjective ga interfere in daily life. With the older population reporting noise is still common. And a healthy ear can sometimes hear the noise, for example, in complete silence in a sound-proof room. Individually the extent to which a particular person bothered noise. In some people,

the stronger noise does not induce greater subjective symptoms, while for others, and low-intensity noise can cause greater subjective symptoms. Najučestalijie problems related to noise include the inability to concentrate, sleep disturbances or hyperacusis (increased sensitivity to sound normal). People who have the noise associated with the above symptom of ear disease, ga considered pathological character and comes to negative conditioning and noise even more sense, comes to closing the vicious circle of "cause-effect" in which the patient does not know and can not get out. Most people that are accompanied by noise and have some degree of hearing loss, which certainly affects the ability of normal communication and quality of life.

tinnitus miracle causes can be objective or subjective. Objektini noise is generated by an external cause, and can sometimes be heard by other people, and can be caused by vascular anomalies (eg, arteriovenous malformations), disorders of Eustachian tube dysfunction and middle ear muscles. Subjective noise is more common than objective. Usually a case of otogenic forest abnormalities inside this ear. Pathogenesis of tinnitus is not fully elucidated.

Tinnitus is most commonly uzokovan hearing impairment or hearing impaired sensory cells in the inner ear or auditory nerve damage. Tinnitus can be caused by noise (long-term noise exposure or short exposure to high intensity noise), ototoxic drugs, decreased blood flow in the inner ear, a sudden change in pressure (barotrauma), tumors of the auditory nerve or Presbyacusis (elderly hearing loss). Damage to the auditory sensory cells changes electrical signals through the auditory nerve to the brain, and the brain perceives this change as noise and the "phantom" sound. In addition to changes in the inner ear,

 the noise can also be caused by changes in the external or middle ear: pressing cerumen (earwax) in the eardrum , an injury (perforated eardrum or damage to the auditory ossicles), the development of otosclerosis (ossification of the middle ear), changes in the temporomandibular ( jaw) joint, cardiovascular causes (atherosclerosis, anemia, high blood pressure). In patients with tinnitus there are changes in brain activity in the limbic system (hippocampus), the part of the brain that controls emotions and may lead to changes in the autonomic nervous system that regulates the body's vital life functions. Limbic and autonomic nervous system play a major role in the development of forest embarrassment, negative associations and emotions related to noise.

Tinnitus is not a disease but a symptom, so that there is no single therapy in its treatment. There are many different medications that are used to treat forests. Most often these are drugs that improve blood circulation in the brain or in the inner ear. Also, behavioral treatment can help patients with tinnitus. M METHODS and retreninga ( tinnitus retraining therapy ) is based on the neurophysiological model .

 P acijenta are introduced to the mechanism of development of forest which allows him to accept the noise on a subconscious level as something natural, not as something a danger or suggesting ill condition causing negative emotions. C ilj these methods did not reduce the intensity of noise, but the reduction of the patient's reactions to noise and habituation, and habituation to noise. Treatment of the forest can be conducted using rustled and broadband noise generator, which helps masking noise. Secondary psychiatric disorders, such as anxiety, depression or insomnia, we should also heal. Patients with tinnitus should avoid total silence, they would have to provide an easy and pleasant background sounds ( natural sounds or music ) . It should be avoided to prevent further noise hearing damage and deterioration of forests.

Music Therapy is the treatment of the music. In medicine, there are several diseases or conditions that can be treated with the music, and one of them is tinnitus or ringing in the ears. Tinnitus is usually the same intensity throughout the day, and in the silence of the stronger focus on patient care, and stronger ga hear. Music helps the patient to stop noticing tinnitus that bothers ga. Music can listen actively and passively. Passive listening is listening to music that is in the background while doing other activities and do not pay pozorost it. In active listening full attention is given to the music.

 Professions apply relaxed MC Music in treatment, such as doctors, dentists, psychologists. Music also helps with falling asleep and some neurološkh functions, such as learning and concentration. The goal of music therapy is that music is a soundscape that is something you do not even notice the rhythm of the body to harmonize with external rhythms. Music can listen to what people want, but in music therapy in the treatment of wood is recommended that at least three times a day over a period of several months. Not every kind of music suitable for music therapy, is the best one you recommend a doctor music therapist due to interference by the patient or the person has. It is interesting that exposure to high volume may cause hearing loss and tinnitus, and proper selection of music with adequate intensity and application of a therapeutic effect.

LASER is electromagnetic radiation in the visible part of the spectrum (light). In medicine, lasers are used in the treatment of various diseases , and in diseases of the ear is used for ringing in the ears (tinnitus), Meniereovu disease and sudden hearing loss. Application of lasers in the ear, changes occur at the molecular level, ie biostimulation. These changes are occurring at the mitochondrial membrane, which allows better metabolic changes in the sensory cells of the inner ear, stimulating the immune system and regenerate damaged cells. Laser is used for the ear 5 mW output power and wavelength longer than 650nm. Laser Treatment for ear is completely painless and safe.

When hearing impairment and noise in the ear, they need to contact a specialist otolaryngologist (an otologist / audiologist) who will recommend the necessary clinical and audiologic treatment and begin the necessary treatment.

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