Tuesday, 11 September 2012

jump manual - Surfing, windsurfing and kite surfing - an overview.

Surfing, windsurfing and kite surfing - that's the "holy trinity" that no one will get bored or in a foreign country or in the native land, neither winter nor, especially in the summer. The three sports have a common element - a board that rides on the water. At first there was just a message board - surf. Then sail attached to it, and called "surfing", and when the board learned to ride the snake - was called a "kite."


Their most ancient and close to nature sport. No science, the theory at least, does not require gasoline into motion on the energy of waves and easy to use.
Learning to surf is easy, if you have the right conditions for this. First, we need a long (about three meters) board with a broad nose - "longbord." It is convenient to row, it pritaplivaetsya under the weight of the body is stable, forgiving many mistakes and it does not need big waves.

Secondly, we need the "right" of the wave - the long, go on one such wave can be from 20 to 200 meters. To start the wave can be from 20 to 200 meters. To start the waves can be low - about five feet, the main thing that they were going smoothly for a long time. Thirdly, it is desirable to present the instructor or someone who has an idea, what, when and in what order do.

Of course, you can handle on its own, just watching the surfers around and learning from their mistakes. But then the number of bruises and inadvertently drinking a liter of sea water would be several times more than the lesson with an instructor. The theory is simple surfing: you lie on your stomach on the board, evenly distributing body weight so that no nose, no food would not go under the water. Perhaps the most time-consuming in surfing - is the need to constantly pull your hands, keeping your back in a little sled condition. But thanks to such pressures from all surfers downright royal carriage! Seeing a suitable wave, must be immediately deployed to the bank board and start paddling very fast to have caught a wave moving board. At this time, the complexity - to catch a wave. Catch - it means to be at the right time in the right place at the right speed. There must be patience. But catch up a few times, everything becomes clear. This is how to ride a bicycle - learned, and then it gets easy. After the wave picks up a board, the body weight is shifted back a little to the board does not nose dived down and glides through the water. Board position becomes stable, so now to get up in the cellar.

The whole process of learning "teapot" - from the moment he first sees the board and to the point where he starts yelling enthusiastically, riding a wave - takes about two hours. In Russia, you can surf in the Far East, and the first to take lessons on the Azov Sea. The world's best places for surfers considered coast of Hawaii, Australia, California and France. In general, the need for surfing and the ocean surf. And most importantly - we must remember the ancient Hawaiian wisdom: "If you are going to surf, take a friend with you - it's twice as reduce the chance of being eaten by a shark."


Windsurfing invented two native of Southern California - sailor Dzhmi Drake and Hoyle Schweitzer surfer. They joined the two components of his favorite sports - sail and board - to work, albeit a bit strange hybrid, which gave rise to what Schweitzer accurately called "surfing." It happened in the 60 years of the twentieth century, and only a few decades windsurfing became popular around the world.

There is no need for windsurfing in the waves, without which you can not surf. But riding on the waves ("veyvrayding» - «wave riding») is the most exciting kind of windsurfing.

Learn to windsurf on a large board with a daggerboard (he gives the board additional stability and reduces drift), on flat water, with light winds. Wind should be flat, it is desirable that it does not change direction, then it will be possible for him "to grasp." In windsurfing will not just be hanging out in the water on a board, but also holding a fluttering sail. Although stress is not at the correct person holds the sail, but on the contrary: it is possible to hang all over the sail, which takes the wind. At this point, and it becomes clear how to control unruly board. The fastest way is the inspiration descends or very talented, or stubborn, or tolerant people. Learn windsurfing harder than surfing, but by learning how to properly use the wind and control board and sail, you can not spend as much energy as it is spent in rowing in surfing.

For beginners vendserferov would fit perfectly and local waterways - Strogino Pirogovo Istra, Seliger. The seas to study harder because of the waves, but the wind there is usually more even. All year round windsurfing in Egypt. There, in the city of Hurghada, there are two Russian surf-station with Russian instructors.

In windsurfing has little to rely on their own experience - there is a theory, rules of conduct on the water and safety. The world's best windsurfing spots are considered Polynesian and the Canary Islands, the coast of South Africa and Australia. In these places, there are waves and wind.

In winter you can walk on snow and ice on the structure, similar to the board for windsurfing: the sail is attached to the ski or board on special skates. Such "gravitsapa" adherents windsurfing make yourself - it allows them to most of the year not to let the wind out of their hands.


Kite (Kite), translated to English means "kite". Kites first appeared in China more than three thousand years ago. There are the materials from which they were made: bamboo frame and silk for the sails and ropes. Chinese kites spread westward to Europe, and now have come to America, Australia and some other countries. Kites were used in the scientific, military, recreational purposes, for transportation. For example, in November 1903, Samuel Franklin Cody crossed the English Channel on the ship that ran for a kite.

Now Kite - a sport accessible to people of all ages. With each passing day it becomes more and more popular. Master the secrets of kite flying and the board is much easier than, for example, learn to windsurf. Kite can be launched into the sky and put on the ground without assistants - would be the wind.

"Education is much faster kite windsurfing training, and the fact that many are switching to it with snowboarding, skateboarding, surfing, only contributes to the rise of the alternative sport to a new level ..." - says the star of the world kite Jason Furness.

Kitesurfing (as surfing and windsurfing) to learn better on a large board, which in this sport is called «directional». Steady wind, the smooth surface of the water, not very large kite (depending on the wind strength, but of no more than 9 sq. m.) And the lack of nearby trees, power lines and people - perfect conditions for kite surfing. Learn a must with an instructor, it is desirable to see the instructional video and practice with aerobatic kite. Independence in this sport is dangerous.

One or two lessons enough to develop the necessary foundation, and one day of hard training will be enough to digest all the information consciously go to the board for the kite. About a month later yesterday, "teapot" already sky beckons, and he quickly learned to jump manual free download and do all sorts of tricks and delight the audience with their grace.

With the kite you can train in the winter - skiing, snowboarding, or a special board. In addition, the kite can ride a three-wheel cart "buggy" in the fields, beaches, great venue - it allows you to use the kite all year round.
To engage in all three types listed surfing wetsuit almost needs, or at least gidromayka - to save the body from exposure (even in the warm water of the body loses a lot of energy). In addition, windsurfing and kitesurfing gidrotapochki not prevent, protect your feet from sharp coral, and a helmet to protect his head from the unexpected "attacks" boards, sails, beach and trees.

Just before you buy a board and jump into the pool serfboards life, think, allow you a test. And surfing, and windsurfing, and kitesurfing - so exciting sports that, once tried, gave it not be anyone. And then, unfortunately, inevitable dramatic consequences: the trained muscles will require the continuation of the banquet, on your slender body will be to admire the beautiful girls, the tan will cause envy in the best of friends ... Do you need this

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